What do smartphones, automobiles, solar panels, and national defense programs all have in common? They all depend on secure and reliable global supply chains for certain key minerals. In February, the U.S. government updated its list of minerals that are designated as critical to the economy and national defense. The U.S. generally relies on imports for many of these 50 … [Read more...] about Critical Mineral Shortages Could Disrupt Global Supply Chains
Comparing WordPress Performance on MySQL vs SQLite
Wordpress, an ubiquitous publishing platform run on php and MySQL, powers about 42% of all websites. Now we see two opposite trends in WordPress evolution. Automattic, the company behind WordPress, is pushing WordPress development in the direction of Gutenberg, a block based editor. Automattic's vision of WordPress's future is a universal fully-configurable powerful publishing … [Read more...] about Comparing WordPress Performance on MySQL vs SQLite
Revenue from NFTs could exceed $130 billion by 2030
Revenue from NFTs could exceed $130 billion by 2030, and NFTs could help advance the digital economy. However, despite media attention and celebrity endorsements, they are poorly understood, and the current market is subject to speculation and fraud. Also, lack of NFT expertise in the federal workforce makes it difficult to address statutory and regulatory challenges. Source: … [Read more...] about Revenue from NFTs could exceed $130 billion by 2030
Luxury-Home Sales Sink 18%, the Biggest Decline Since the Start of the Pandemic
Redfin analysis finds the luxury-housing market is cooling down amid a slumping stock market, rising mortgage rates and economic uncertainty SEATTLE, June 10, 2022 - (NASDAQ: RDFN) — Sales of luxury U.S. homes fell 17.8% year over year during the three months ending April 30, the largest drop since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic sent shockwaves through the housing … [Read more...] about Luxury-Home Sales Sink 18%, the Biggest Decline Since the Start of the Pandemic
Specialty Food Association Reveals Specialty Food Sales of $175 billion in State of the Specialty Food Industry Report
NEW YORK, June 9, 2022 - The Specialty Food Association (SFA) has released its annual State of the Specialty Food Industry Report (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xgWe8Q1rNA42yu89IMniMbQVQnyZdmoX/), revealing that the specialty food market reached total sales of $175 billion in 2021, up 7.4 percent versus 5.8 percent the year before, when foodservice's steep decline offset … [Read more...] about Specialty Food Association Reveals Specialty Food Sales of $175 billion in State of the Specialty Food Industry Report
Global Wealth Grew by Double Digits to $530 Trillion in 2021, Despite Continued Crises
Rise of 10.6% Is the Highest Annual Rate in More Than a Decade, Creating $26 Trillion in New Private Wealth, but Digital Leaders Threaten Traditional Players' Dominance, According to a New BCG Report BOSTON, June 9, 2022 - Global wealth reached a record high of $530 trillion in 2021, fueled by strong equity markets and a surge in demand for real assets, according to the 22nd … [Read more...] about Global Wealth Grew by Double Digits to $530 Trillion in 2021, Despite Continued Crises
Regulation can disrupt the meat industry
The force that could finally disrupt the meat industry isn't a veggie alternative. It's regulation https://t.co/XaAb3e5XvB— Businessweek (@BW) June 9, 2022 … [Read more...] about Regulation can disrupt the meat industry
When synthetic biology will disrupt an industry?
What determines when synthetic biology will disrupt an industry? Time to maturity and diffusion. Some industries, like electronics, will be immediately affected, but others, like chemicals and textiles, will face cost-based competition over the next decade https://t.co/l1XmFqsIXp pic.twitter.com/r1d94UIuV1— Boston Consulting Group (@BCG) June 7, 2022 … [Read more...] about When synthetic biology will disrupt an industry?
Event Calendar
Kscope22, June 19-23 2022, Gaylord, Grapevine, Texas The 2023 Beyond Service User Conference, January 8-11, 2023, Orlando 2022 Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) International Conference, June 13 – 15, 2022, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto AlphaTech … [Read more...] about Event Calendar
The U.S. Army’s Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW)
"The Army’s LRHW missile could cost $106 million per missile and the program could add as much as $7 billion to the Army’s budget over the next few years." "On March 30, 2021, the Chief of Staff of the Army discussing the LRHW reportedly noted, “The politics of where they're based, how they're based, will be up to the policymakers and the diplomats.” Given the 1,725 mile … [Read more...] about The U.S. Army’s Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW)