Smartphone As an Universal Personal Computing Platform, Market Scenario
Today’s smartphone is a sufficiently powerful computing device that can replace desktop/laptop practically in all home and workplace tasks. Yet overrunning PC market is only the lesser part of the picture. What is the most significant is emergence of smartphone as a universal personal computing platform of the near future with profound market implications.
The report forecast shipments of smartphones designed as an Universal Personal Computing Platform to grow at 9% CAGR in the next few years at the expense of declining traditional PC market (desktops and notebooks). The paradigm shift to universal mobile computing platform creates multibillion market opportunities in expanding smartphone ecosystem. The Business/Productivity apps segment alone is moving into 10 Billion territory.
Connectivity issues still remain:
- external hard drives with wifi/Bluetooth are still rare/clunky/expensive;
- no efficient connectivity solutions for external screen/TV streaming;
- no seamless connectivity solutions for keyboard/mouse, still necessary for most office tasks.
The connectivity issues are basic, essential, omnipresent concerns of the huge market, technologies are already there – yet smartphones still lack complete seamless integration with legacy PC ecosystem. The connectivity solutions are precursory elements of a future smartphone-dominated personal computing ecosystem.

The report describes market scenario of smartphone evolution as a universal PC platform, covering key concepts and developments of transition from PC-dominated market to smartphone dominated market, as well as products, technologies and services associated with this process and its impact on existing ecosystem and market landscape.
The report provides forecasts for shipments of general purpose mobile devices, desktops and notebooks and shipments of dedicated (special purpose) mobile devices:
- Media players
- Photography devices
- Military grade mobile devices
- Enterprise grade mobile devices
- Educational mobile devices
- Smartphone as a control panel of IoT devices
- Smartphone as a healthcare sensor platform
- Smartphone as a Smart Home platform.
The report estimates market impact of smartphone as a universal PC platform on peripheral connectivity segments:
- Wireless interconnection protocols
- Display connectivity
- Storage connectivity
- Mouse/Keyboard connectivity
- Physical connectivity
- Printer connectivity.
The report provides forecasts of mobile apps market segments:
- Business/Productivity apps
- Enterprise CRM/ERP apps
- Educational apps
- Healthcare apps
- Security apps
- Media /Entertainment apps
- Game apps.
Table of Contents
1. Market Report Scope & Methodology
1.1. Scope
1.2. Research Methodology
2. Executive Summary
2.1. Connectivity Issues
2.2. Concept of Smartphone as a Universal Personal Computing Platform
2.3. General Purpose and Dedicated Mobile Devices
2.4. Mobile App Market to Keep Getting Bigger
3. Smartphone Evolution as Universal Personal Computing Device, Market Scenario (6-year forecast)
List of Figures
Fig. 1- Wired clutter still runs SOHO
List of Tables
Table 1 – General Purpose Personal Computing Devices, Market Scenario (6-year forecast), Shipments in Mln Units
Table 2 – Dedicated Mobile Devices, Market Scenario (6-year forecast), Shipments in Mln Units
Table 3 – Market Impact of Smartphone as Universal Personal Computing Device on Peripheral Connectivity Segments, Market Scenario (6-year forecast), $Mln
Table 4 – Market Impact of Smartphone as Universal Personal Computing Device on Apps Segments, Market Scenario (6-year forecast), $Mln