Museum Technology Market on the Rise
Museums are the world’s most traditional institutions yet new technologies change the ways the museums operate not only in the fields of preservation and restoration but also the very concepts of marketing, exhibiting and sharing. Armed with new technologies museums, long-suffering from lack of funds for art acquisition, preservation, and maintenance, turn into powerful profit-generating centers digitizing and licensing rich media content to reach out new audiences far beyond their geographic and physical constraints. New content licensing models will likely emerge in years to come, models that will allow leading museums to export the immersive multimedia exhibitions as an integral package combining unique content, immersive hardware and software platform. The immersive multimedia exhibitions are on the rise, opening up a wide array of market opportunities in content media development based on history/art treasures in the museum collections.
The global museum technology spending is driven not only by ever-growing security investments but also by increased adoption of interactive apps and multimedia exhibitions enhancing visitor’s experience. Awareness grows among the museum management professionals as to new ways of boosting revenues by relying more and more on technology. A new generation of technology-proficient museum professionals gradually replaces old cadre and this is a profound shift and a game changer in the very traditional museum industry. Edutainment, previously snubbed as a fad, is a growing paradigm within the museum community.
The report provides detailed year-by-year forecasts for museum technology market segments, including content licensing revenues, asset management, 3d printing, archiving and digitization technologies, restoration and preservation technologies, multimedia exhibitions, visitor behavior analytics, interactive guide apps, and security.
Examples of Museum Technology Uses